Rain Watcher

Rain Watcher

27"h x 48"w, Oil on Canvas

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I set this view because it reminded me of "Early Sunday Morning". Also, my vantage point was covered by nine foot deep steel awning to protect me from the rain. I would only work on this one when it rained. I actually broke down and painted some of the brick grout at home in the living room. After admitting this violation of "plein-airism" to my old Art History professor during a phone call, I was greeted by a moment of silent consideration from her end of the phone.
      I still debate the value of working plen air only. I have used photos to drop in characters, and I do eliminate obstructions to the composition, like poles or dumpsters. I feel I must allow some studio (home) work to get things done.

Rain Watcher Detail
There is the face of a young woman in the left hand window by the sign. She sat there only for a few moments, but fortunate for the painting, she provided a lovely, lonely sentiment for a rainy day.
      Hopper would have approved, I think.

The Painting is gone, but there is hope at

Original Paintings and Pigment Based Prints


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